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RSE Policy

In line with our vision that we equip every child to live life in all its fullness, both now in and in the future, we strive for excellence in the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education. We deliver a planned programme of learning through which children at St Andrew's acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to navigate this area of life in an age appropriate way now as well as utilising this learning as a building block for the future. 

Lessons start in the Early Years and are progressively built upon throughout the school into Year 6. The 'Changing Me' puzzle piece of the Jigsaw PSHE scheme places children at its heart and helps children understand and value who they are and how they fit in and contribute to the world. St Andrew’s is a Church of England School, and all RSE is set in a context which is consistent with the school’s Christian ethos as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.


For further information please refer to our RSE Policy

For information regarding year group specific vocabulary/ content, please refer to our Knowledge Organisers